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Journal Publications

For Journal papers see current CV or Web of Science or Scopus or Google Scholar link

Select Papers prior to 2011 (from 1991) after which web of science, scopus, and google scholar became more widely accessible, so PDF’s available else where…list no longer updated.

J66. Suresh S., Narasimhan S., and Nagarajaiah S. “Direct adaptive neural controller for the active control of earthquake-excited nonlinear base-isolated buildings,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring Article, published online: 17 JAN 2011 | DOI: 10.1002/stc.437 (2011). PDF

J65. Withey, P.A., Vemuru, V.S.M., Bachilo, S. M., . and Nagarajaiah, S. and Weisman, R. B. “Strain Paint: Noncontact Strain Measurement Using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composite Coatings,” Nano Letters, ACS, DOI: 10.1021/nl301008m, 12(2), 3497-3500 (2012). Nanoletters-143abbr

J64. Pasala, D. T. R., Nagarajaiah, S.., and Grigoriadis, K. M., “Tracking Control of Variable Stiffness Hysteretic-Systems Using Linear-Parameter-Varying Gain-Scheduled Controller,” Smart Structures and Systems, 9(4), 373-392 (2012).

J63. Arrigan, J., Prakash, V., Basu, B. and Nagarajaiah, S. “Control of Flapwise Vibrations in Wind Turbine Blades using semi-active tuned mass dampers” Structural Control and Health Monitoring Article, published online: 5 AUG 2010, DOI: 10.1002/stc.404, 18 (8), 840-851 (2011). PDF

J62. Contreras, M., Nagarajaiah, S. and Narasimhan, S. ” Real time detection of stiffness change using a radial basis function augmented observer formulation,” Smart Materials and Structures, Smart Mater. Struct. 20 035013, doi: 10.1088/0964-1726/20/3/035013 (2011). PDF

J61. Srivastava R. K.,. Vemuru V. S. M., Zeng Y., Vajtai R., Nagarajaiah S., Ajayan P.M., Srivastava A. ” The strain sensing and thermal–mechanical behavior of flexible multi-walled carbon nanotube polystyrene composite films.”  Carbon, 3928-3936, doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2011.05.031, (2011). PDF

J60. Suresh, S., Narasimhan, S., Nagarajaiah, S., and Sundararajan, N. “Fault-tolerant adaptive control of nonlinear base isolated buildings using EMRAN”. Engineering Structures, 32(8), 2477-2487 (2010). PDF

J59. Hemtej, G., Vemuru, V. S. M., Kumar, A., Botello-Mendez, A., Vajtai, R., Terrones, M., Nagarajaiah S., Ajayan, P. M. “Flexible Piezoelectric ZnO-paper Nanocomposite Strain Sensor” Small,  6(15),1641-1646 (2010). PDF

J58. Basu, B. and Nagarajaiah, S. “A Multi-Scale Wavelet-LQR Controller for Linear Time Varying Systems” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 136(9), 1143-1151 (2010). PDF

J57. Nagarajaiah, S. “Adaptive Passive, Semiactive, Smart Tuned Mass Dampers: Identification and Control using Empirical Mode Decomposition, Hilbert transform, and Short-Term Fourier transform,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 16(7-8), 800-841 (2009). PDF

J56. Agarawal, A., Tan, P., Nagarajaiah, S., and Zhang, J. “Benchmark structural control problem for a seismically excited highway bridge – Part I: Phase I Problem definition,” Structural Health Monitoring and Control, 16 (5), 509-529 (2009). PDF

J55. Nagarajaiah, S., Narasimhan, S., Agrawal, A.K., and Ping, T. ”Benchmark structural control problem for a seismically excited highway bridge – Part III: Phase II Sample controller for the fully base-isolated case” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 16 (5), 549-563 (2009). PDF

J54. Agarawal, A., Nagarajaiah, S., “Benchmark structural control problem for a seismically excited highway bridge: Phase I and II,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 16 (5), 503-508 (2009). PDF

J53. Wilkerson, S., and Nagarajaiah, S. “Optimal Offloading Configuration of Spread-Moored FPSO,” Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME, 131 (2), 021603-1:9 (2009). PDF

J52. Nagarajaiah, S., and Basu, B. ” Output only Modal Identification and Structural Damage Detection using Time Frequency & Wavelet Techniques,” Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 8(4), 583-605 (2009). PDF

J51. Vemuru, S. M., Wahi, R., Nagarajaiah, S. and Ajayan, P.M. “Strain sensing using a multiwalled carbon nanotube film” Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 44( 7), 555-562 (2009). PDF

J50. Basu, B. and  Nagarajaiah, S. “A wavelet-based time-varying adaptive LQR algorithm for structural control ,” Engineering Structures, 30 (9), 2470-2477 (2008). PDF

J49. Chen, B. and Nagarajaiah, S. ” Structural damage detection using decentralized controller design method” Smart Structures and Systems, 4(6), 779-794 (2008). PDF

J48. Narasimhan, S. Suresh, S., Nagarajaiah, S. and Sundararajan, N. “On-Line Learning Failure-Tolerant Neural-Aided Controller for Earthquake Excited Structures” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 134 (3), 258-268 (2008). PDF

J47. B. Basu, S. Nagarajaiah, A. Chakraborty “Online Identification of Linear Time-Varying Stiffness of Structural Systems by Wavelet Analysis,” International Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, 7(1), 21-36 (2008). PDF

J46. Koh, B.H., Nagarajaiah, S., and Phan, M.Q. “Direct identification of structural damage through Kronecker product method,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 22(01), 103-112 (2008). PDF

J45. Narasimhan, S., Nagarajaiah, S. and Johnson, E. ” Smart Base Isolated Benchmark Building Part IV: Phase II Sample Controllers for Nonlinear Isolation Systems ” Structural Control and Health Monitoring,     15 (5), 657-672 (2008). PDF

J44. Nagarajaiah, S., Narasimhan, S. and Johnson, E.,  ” Structural Control Benchmark Problem: Phase II Nonlinear Smart Base Isolated Building subjected to Near Fault Ground Motions ” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 15 (5), 653-656 (2008). PDF

J43. Chen, B. and Nagarajaiah, S. “H_/H_inf structural damage detection filter design using iterative LMI approach” Smart Materials and Structures, 17 (3), Art. no. 035019, (2008). PDF

J42. Li, Z., Koh, B. H., and Nagarajaiah, S. “Detecting sensor failure via decoupled error function and inverse input-output model,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,133 (11), 1222 – 1228 (2007). PDF

J41. Chen, B., and Nagarajaiah, S. “Linear Matrix Inequality based robust fault detection and isolation using the eigenstructure assignment method,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, AIAA, 30(6), 1831 – 1835 (2007). PDF

J40. Nagarajaiah, S. and Narasimhan, S. “Seismic control of smart base isolated buildings with new semiactive variable damper,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 36(6), 729-749 (2007). PDF

J39. Nagarajaiah, S., and Sonmez, E. “Structures of semiactive variable stiffness multiple tuned mass dampers under harmonic forces,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 133(1), 67-77 (2007). PDF

J38. Nagarajaiah S. , Mao, Y. Q. and Sahasrabudhe, S. “Nonlinear, seismic response spectra of smart sliding isolated structures with independently variable MR dampers and variable stiffness SAIVS system” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 24 (3), 375-393 (2006). PDF

J37. Dharap, P., Koh, B.H., and Nagarajaiah, S. “Structural health monitoring using ARMarkov observers,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 17(6), 469-481 (2006). PDF

J36. Narasimhan, S., and Nagarajaiah, S. “Smart base isolated buildings with variable friction systems: H controller and SAIVF device,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamicsl, 35(8), 920-942 (2006). PDF

 J35. Nagarajaiah, S. “Structural Control Benchmark Problem: Smart Base Isolated Building Subjected to Near Fault Earthquakes,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 13(2-3), 571–572 (2006). PDF

J34. Nagarajaiah, S., and Narasimhan, S. “Smart base isolated benchmark building Part II:  Phase I Sample controllers for linear isolation system,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 13(2-3), 589-604 (2006). PDF

J33. Narasimhan, S., Nagarajaiah, S., Gavin, H., Johnson, E. A. “Smart Base Isolated Benchmark Building Part I: Problem definition,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 13(2-3), 573-588 (2006). PDF

J32. Nagarajaiah, S. and Sahasrabudhe, S. “Seismic response control of smart sliding isolated buildings using variable stiffness systems: Experimental and numerical study,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Journal, 35(2), 177-197 (2006). PDF

J31. Sahasrabudhe, S. and Nagarajaiah, S. “Effectiveness of variable stiffness systems in base isolated bridges subjected to near fault earthquakes: Experimental study,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures., 16(9), 743-756 (2005). PDF

J30. Koh, B.H., Li, Z., Dharap, P., Nagarajaiah, S., and Phan, M.Q., “Actuator Failure Detection through Interaction Matrix Formulation,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, AIAA, 28(5), 895-901 (2005). PDF

J29. Koh, B.H., Dharap, P., Nagarajaiah, S., and Phan, M.Q., “Real-time Structural Damage Monitoring by Input Error Function,” AIAA Journal, 43(8), 1808-1814 (2005). PDF

J28. Sahasrabudhe, S. and Nagarajaiah, S. “Experimental study of sliding isolated buildings with MR dampers in near fault earthquakes,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 131(7), 1025-1034 (2005). PDF

J27. Sahasrabudhe, S. and Nagarajaiah, S. “Seismic response control of sliding isolated bridges with MR dampers: Experimental and numerical Study,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 34(7), 965-983 (2005). PDF

J26. Li, Z., Dharap, P., Sharma, P., Nagarajaiah, S. and Yakobson, B. “A continuum field model of defect formation in single walled carbon nanotubes,” Journal of Applied Physics, 97(7), 074303-1 to 8, (2005). PDF

J25. Narasimhan, S., and Nagarajaiah, S. “STFT Algorithm for Semiactive Control of Base Isolated Buildings with Variable Stiffness Isolation Systems Subjected to Near Fault Earthquakes,” Engineering Structures, 27, 514-523 (2005). PDF

J24. Nagarajaiah, S. and Varadarajan, N. “Semi-active control of wind excited building with variable stiffness TMD using short time Fourier transform,” Engineering Structures, 27(3), 431-441 (2005). PDF

J23. Li, Z., Dharap, P., Nagarajaiah, S., Nordgren, R., and Yackobson, B. “Nonlinear Analysis of a SWNT over a Bundle of Nanotubes”, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, 6925–6936 (2004). PDF

J22. Nagarajaiah, S. and Li, Z. “Time segmented least squares identification of base isolated buildings,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Journal , 24(8), 577-586 (2004). PDF

J21. Prasad, D., Li, Z., Nagarajaiah, S., and Barrera, E. “Flexural Strain Sensing using Carbon Nanotube film,” Sensor Review Journal, 24(3), 271-273 (2004). PDF

J20. Varadarajan, N. and Nagarajaiah, S. “Wind response control of building with variable stiffness tuned mass damper using empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert Transform,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 130(4), 451-458 (2004).  PDF

J19. Li, Z., Dharap, P., Nagarajaiah, S., Barrera, E., and Kim, J. D. “Carbon Nanofilm Sensor,” Advanced Materials Journal, 16(7), 640-643, (2004). PDF

J18. Dharap, P., Li, Z., Nagarajaiah, S., and Barrera, E. “Nanotube film based on SWNT for macrostrain sensing,” Nanotechnology Journal, 15(3), 379 – 382 (2004),Top 100 most highly downloaded articles in 2004. PDF

J17. Nagarajaiah, S. and Dharap, P. “Reduced order observer based identification of base isolated buildings,”  Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2(2), 237-244 (2003). PDF

J16. Spencer, B., and Nagarajaiah, S. “State of the art of structural control,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Invited Paper, ASCE, 129(7), 845-856 (2003). PDF

J15. Nagarajaiah, S., and Sun, X., “Base Isolated FCC building: Impact Response in Northridge Earthquake,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Closure, 129(3), 422-423, (2003). PDF

J14. Buckle, I. G., Nagarajaiah, S., and Ferrell, K. “Stability of elastomeric isolation bearings: Experimental study,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 1, 3-11 (2002). PDF

J13. Nagarajaiah, S., and Sun, X., “Base Isolated FCC building: Impact Response in Northridge Earthquake,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, No. 9, 1063-1074 (2001). PDF

J12. Nagarajaiah, S., and Sun, X., “Response of base isolated USC hospital building in Northridge Earthquake,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 10, 1177-1186 (2000). PDF

J11. Nagarajaiah, S., and Ferrell, K. “Stability of elastomeric seismic isolation bearings,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 9, 946-954 (1999). PDF

J10. Constantinou, M.C., Reinhorn, A., Tsopelas, P., and Nagarajaiah, S. “Techniques in nonlinear dynamic analysis of seismic isolated structures,” GB ENGN TEC APPL SCI, Structural Dynamic Systems Computational Techniques and Optimization Seismic Techniques, Vol. 12, 1-24 (1999). PDF

J9. Riley, M., Reinhorn, A., and Nagarajaiah, S. “Implementation issues and testing of a hybrid sliding isolation system,” Journal of Engineering Structures, Vol. 20, No. 3, 144-154 (1998). PDF

J8. Subramaniam, R., Reinhorn, A., Riley, M., and Nagarajaiah, S., “Hybrid control of structures using fuzzy logic,” Microcomputers in Civil Engineering (currently Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering), Vol. 11, No. 1, 1-17 (1996). PDF

J7. Tsopelas, P., Nagarajaiah, S., Constantinou, M. C., and Reinhorn, A. M., “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of multiple building base isolated structures,” Computers and Structures, Vol. 50, No. 1, 47-57 (1994). PDF

J6. Nagarajaiah, S., Riley, M. A., and Reinhorn, A. M., “Control of sliding isolated bridges with absolute acceleration feedback,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 11, 2317-2332 (1993). PDF

J5. Nagarajaiah, S., Feng, M. Q., and Shinozuka, M., “Control of structures with friction controllable sliding bearings,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 2, 103-112 (1993). PDF

J4. Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “Torsion in base isolated structures with elastomeric isolation systems,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 10, 2932-2951 (1993). PDF

J3. Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “Torsional coupling in sliding base isolated structures,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 1, 130-149 (1993). PDF

J2. Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “Experimental study of sliding isolated structures with uplift restraint,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 6, 1666-1682 (1992). PDF

J1. Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of 3D-base isolated structures,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 7, 2035-2054 (1991). PDF