3D-BASIS used for analysis and design around the world
Satish Nagarajaiah is the Original and Primary Developer of 3D-BASIS Computer Program for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Three Dimensional 3D Seismic Base Isolated Structures in 1989, which he did as a part of his doctoral research from 1987 t0 1990 (working with Andrei Reinhorn). Since then Satish Nagarajaiah, Andrei Reinhorn and Michael Constantinou have collaborated in enhancing original 3D-BASIS into a series of programs.
“The most widely used computer program for analyzing base isolated structures today is the 3D-BASIS suite of programs…” quote from…
- Earthquake Resistant Design with Rubber by James M. Kelly, 1997, 2nd Edition, Springer Verlag, London (Page 234)
- Design of Seismic Isolated Structures: From Theory to Practice by Farzad Naeim and James M. Kelly, 1999, 1st Edition, John Wiley, New York (Page 217).
Referred to by current national building codes..
- NEHRP Guidelines for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings, Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA 273/274, ATC 33 (Page 9-9,9-46), FEMA-356 (2000)
- NIST GCR 10-917-5 (2010) NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 4 “Nonlinear Structural Analysis For Seismic Design A Guide for Practicing Engineers,” by Gregory G. Deierlein, Andrei M. Reinhorn and Michael R. Willford.
3D-BASIS Computer Program source code available
Satish Nagarajaiah is the Original and Primary Developer of 3D-BASIS Computer Program for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Three Dimensional 3D Seismic Base Isolated Structures in 1989, which he did as a part of his doctoral research from 1987 t0 1990 (working with Andrei Reinhorn). Since then Satish Nagarajaiah, Andrei Reinhorn and Michael Constantinou have collaborated in enhancing original 3D-BASIS into a series of programs.
Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of three dimensional base isolated structures (3D-BASIS),” Report No. NCEER-89-0019, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, SUNY, Buffalo, New York. (1991) (3D-BASIS NCEER Report 89-0019)
Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “3D-BASIS: Nonlinear dynamic analysis of three dimensional base isolated structures – Part II,” Report No. NCEER-91-0005, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, SUNY, Buffalo, New York. (1991) (3D-BASIS NCEER Report 91-0005)
Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of 3D-base isolated structures,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 7, pp. 2035-2054 (1991). Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of 3D-Base-Isolated Structures – 1991 ASCE JSE Paper
Nagarajaiah, S., “3D-BASIS: A computer program for nonlinear dynamic analysis of base isolated structures”, Bulletin of the National Center for Earthquake Engrg., Vol. 5, No. 4, 12-15 (1991).
Nagarajaiah, S., Tsopelas, P. S., Li, C., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “3D-BASIS: A class of computer programs for nonlinear dynamic analysis of base isolated structures,” Proceedings ATC-17-1 Seminar on Base Isolation and Active Control, San Francisco, California, 173-184 (March 1993).
Nagarajaiah, S., “Post earthquake evaluation of base isolated structures”, Bulletin of the National Center for Earthquake Engrg., Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 15-18, (1995).
3D-BASIS-TABS Computer Program source code available
Satish Nagarajaiah is the Original and Primary Developer of 3D-BASIS Computer Program for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Three Dimensional 3D Seismic Base Isolated Structures in 1989, which he did as a part of his doctoral research from 1987 t0 1990 (working with Andrei Reinhorn). Since then Satish Nagarajaiah, Andrei Reinhorn and Michael Constantinou have collaborated in enhancing original 3D-BASIS into a series of programs.
Nagarajaiah, S., Li, C., Reinhorn, A. M., and Constantinou, M. C., “3D-BASIS-TABS: A computer program for nonlinear dynamic analysis for three dimensional base isolated structures,” Report No. NCEER-93-0011, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, SUNY, Buffalo, New York (1993). 3D-BASIS-TABS-93-0011
Reinhorn, A.M., Nagarajaiah, S., Constantinou, M.C., Tsopelas, P.C., and Renfen, L., “3D-BASIS-TABS Version 2.0: A computer program for nonlinear dynamic analys is for three dimensional base isolated structures,” Report No. NCEER-94-0018, Na tional Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, SUNY, Baffalo, New York (1994). 3D-BASIS-TABS-V2-94-0018
3D-BASIS-M Computer Program for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Multiple Building Base Isolated Structures (Satish Nagarajaiah with Panos Tsopelas – co-developer).
Satish Nagarajaiah is the Original and Primary Developer of 3D-BASIS Computer Program for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Three Dimensional 3D Seismic Base Isolated Structures in 1989, which he did as a part of his doctoral research from 1987 t0 1990 (working with Andrei Reinhorn). Since then Satish Nagarajaiah, Panos Tospelas, Andrei Reinhorn, and Michael Constantinou have collaborated in enhancing original 3D-BASIS into a series of programs.
Tsopelas, P., Nagarajaiah, S., Constantinou, M. C., and Reinhorn, A. M., “3D-BASIS-M: Nonlinear dynamic analysis of multiple building base isolated structures,” Report No. NCEER-91-0014, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research,SUNY, Buffalo,NewYork (1991) 3D-BASIS-M-91-0014
International Distribution (Countries: USA, Turkey, Canada, China, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, India).
Partial Users List:
United States of America:
National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo, NY, and
National Information Service – Earthquake Engineering, University of Califor nia, Berkeley, CA.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
U.S. Geological Survey, VA; Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA; CALTRANS, Division of Structures, CA; California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program, CA; Office of State Architect, CA; Internal Services Department, City of Los Angeles; Division of Engineering Services, City of San Francisco; ……
Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles; California State Univ.; Georgia Institute of Technology, GA; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO; Washington State Univ., Seattle, WA; Northeastern Univ., MA;
Dynamic Isolation Systems, Berkeley, CA; Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, CA; EQE, CA; Charles Kircher Assoc., CA; Bechtel, Inc., CA; Sargent and Lundy Engineers, IL; Over Arup & Partners, CA; Flour Daniel, CA; URS Consultants; Forell Elsesser Assoc., CA ; Jack Benjamin Assoc., CA; Daniel Mann Johnson, CA; Skilling Ward Magnu, Barkshire, CA; Taylor & Gaines, CA; KPFF, CA; John A. Martin, CA; ……
Other Countries-–
Dept. of National Defense, Canada; AECL CANDU–Nuclear Division, Canada; Tongi Univ., China; Univ. of
Liverpool, England; Univ. of Aachen, Germany; Univ. of Athens, Greece; ISMES S.P.A., Italy; U niv. of Rome, Italy; Univ. of Napoli, Italy; TAISEI Corp., Japan; TAKENAKA Corp., Japan; SUMITOMO Corp., Japan; Holmes Consulting Group, New Zealand; Instituto De Ingenieria, Univ. of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico; Str. Bolintineanu, Romania; ……